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Personalized for your wedding, party, special occasion, and business event
Terms of Service

First, agree to the terms

YouVivid welcome you to become a member, YouVivid Member Services (hereinafter referred to as the Service) system from Flashants Technology Co., Ltd. "(hereinafter referred to as the Company) are provided build. When you use this service, it means that you have read, understood and agree to all the contents of the Terms of Service. YouVivid right at any time to modify or change the contents of the TOS, we recommend that you pay attention to such amendments or changes. Your continued use after any modifications or changes to this service, as you have read, understood and agree to such modifications or changes. If you do not agree to the terms of service, or the country or region you belong to exclude all or part of the contents of this Terms of Service, you should immediately stop using the service. 
If you are incapacitated on the legal capacity or limited capacity (such as 20 years of age of the minors), shall comply with the above, and should be invited to the terms of service referred to your legal representative (such as parent or guardian) to read, understand and agree to all the contents of obtaining the Terms of Service and subsequent amendments to change, parties have used or continue to use the service. When you use or continue to use the service, is presumed to your legal representative (such as a parent or guardian) has read, understood and agree to all the contents of the Terms of Service and subsequent amendments to change. 

Second, Member Services 

In order to use the Service, you agree to the following matters: 

1. Yourself as prompted by the Service's registration to provide your accurate, current and complete information. 

2. Maintain and update your personal information, make sure it is accurate, current and complete. If you provide any untrue, inaccurate or incomplete information, YouVivid the right to suspend or terminate your account and refuse your use of the service. 

3. All related domain names provided by member services because, network address, function and other interests all have to enjoy it because of membership status, are still the company or other legal rights of all the people, members only have to service period under this agreement to the terms of use of, and should not in any way transfer their membership rights, transfer, lease or lends any other third party. 

4. Receive SMS sent from Youvivid containing the URL of invitation you created in the website. 

Third, the privacy policy 

The privacy policy of the Company will be protected in accordance with the privacy policies of all Members of privacy, whether it is to apply for an account, the website information or personal data stored, except possibly involved in illegal, tort, or breach of the terms of use, or with his consent outside, The Company will not in any monitoring, additions, modifications or closed, or handed over to third parties the content of personal data, including sponsorship of the advertising firm.

Member Services if part of the service is the company with other partners or co-operation partners who, if you do not want to expose itself to personal data to other partners, you can choose not to use these particular services, but if you start using these specific services, the company will clearly inform you before data collection or transport, it will disclose your personal information to the service of specific partners.

In the following cases, the company may view or provide your personal information to the Court, the competent authority, or make appropriate proof of infringement of third party claims its rights by: 
1. Because of the Act or by an order of the judicial administrative authority 
2. For the needs of the members of the Executive Terms of Use 
3. To maintain the normal operation of membership services and security systems 
4. To protect the legitimate interests of other users or other third party's 

Four member account, password, and security 

At Member Services before you use must go through registration procedures set by the Company in the registration process, you must fill in complete and correct information. If for any problems caused by incorrect data or updates, you need to be borne responsibility.

For that you get a user name and password, you must safekeeping and confidentiality obligations, and if your user name and password that are fraudulent or improper use of another person, the company will assist you as soon as possible, but not You bear the responsibility or obligation or compensation of any form.

Fifth, the user compliance obligations and commitments

that you promise not for any unlawful purpose or in any illegal use of this service, and commitment to comply with relevant laws and decrees Republic of China using the Internet to all international conventions of the country or territory or of which you belong . You agree not to use this service and to ensure that the interests or engage in illegal acts of infringement, including but not limited to: 
1. Upload, post, publish or transmit any defamatory, abusive, threatening, offensive, indecent, obscene, false violation of public order or moral standards or other lawless text, images or any form of archives on the Service 
2. Infringement of reputation, privacy, trade secrets, trademarks, copyrights, patents, other intellectual property and other rights 
3. Confidentiality A violation of legal or contractual obligation incumbent upon it by 
4. The fraudulent use of the service on behalf of others 
5. Upload, post, transmit or distribute any material that contains viruses or any computer software, hardware interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of Information code of 
6. Engage in criminal conduct or transaction posting is false, the introduction of crime information 
without our consent 7. The use of the services reproduce, public transport, sell, resell, distribute or any commercial transaction or other for-profit Activity 
8. Without our consent use this service spam spam or advertise propaganda 
9. Obstruct or interfere with any other user from using acts of Member Services of 
10. Other companies have reasonable grounds to believe inappropriate behavior

Sixth, data storage

is no guarantee that your data will be uploaded normal, nor guarantee the correctness of data transmission; if you discover errors or omissions in this service, please inform us immediately. You agree that the Company is not required for any of your data files, including, but not limited to: information display error, failure to store data, delete data or data loss. 

Seven, content

 is no guarantee the accuracy of the Service that you use to obtain the information content provided in this service information content of the Company reserves the right to modify or delete. In addition, the Company may be related to other third party (such as: website, manufacturer or company), by providing information content published on the Service, based on respect for intellectual property considerations, the Company and its information content provided by not review or renumbering, correctness of the other information also is not responsible for the content. Information content provided in this service is only for reference purposes, you should judge for themselves the correctness of information content, before using your reference shall assess its value on their own.

This service provides written and delivered platform for members to upload works, including but not limited to movie production, animation, greeting card template, MV model, pictures, music, sound, photos, and text and other data and files (hereinafter referred to as "creative content") and published. All through the Service to upload content on a voluntary basis by members, therefore, the authenticity and content of the work copyright, legality by Upload Members are responsible for.YouVivid for members to upload the creative content of copyright and authenticity, legality does not provide express or implied, that you should own judgments. For the loss of any person or entity arising from the use of works, including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, punitive and consequential damages, and does not assume any responsibility. If you believe concerning the infringement or somewhat inaccurate, please radially content providers respond to us or through the Company's reaction to the report mechanism.

You may link to other websites outside of the company through the Service, such sites have no relationship with the Company, the Company does not responsible for the content of such sites, the Company does not therefore responsible to you and other losses resulting from or linked to any consequences .

Any website belongs to other operators may be related to any page of the Service link on the page include but are not limited to: news pages or user of the services provided by the publication of personal data or other information website, the company has no obligation to be user The calls for measures to remove these links, the Company does not therefore responsible to you and any other loss or consequence resulting from the link. 

Eight, service suspension or interruption 

of the service may sometimes be interrupted or failure phenomena, and perhaps will cause inconvenience to you in the use of data loss, errors, being tampered with or other economic losses and other circumstances. You wish to use the Service to take their own precautions. YouVivid any liability for damages from your use (or not use) of the Service caused live. 

Nine, download or information

YouVivid for your use of the Service or the Service through other sites link to it and download software or data, without any warranty. You should be at their discretion and judgment before download software or information of the foregoing appropriateness, effectiveness, accuracy, completeness, and whether it violated the rights of others, in order to avoid losses (for example: cause damage to your computer system or loss of stored data, etc. ). YouVivid any liability for such loss live. 

Ten, termination of service 

1. Based on the company's operations, member services may stop providing all or part of the service, the user can not therefore claim any compensation or compensation. 

2. If you breach the terms of this service, the Company reserves the right to temporarily stop providing services, or terminate the provision of services, you can not therefore claim any compensation or compensation. 

3. If you have posted on the member services, transport, send or store files or data, there is no violation of law, violation of the terms of use, there are violations against the rights and interests of third persons, the Company reserves the right to direct Debu notice to move, delete, or rights to stop the service provided. If the Company and therefore any damage, you deal with the company bear the responsibility for compensation damages. 

4. Member Service system will automatically detect the long unused account will automatically be taken to all the files within the account, and use the information to set delete all data files and not a separate backup copy, and your Member Account suspended . Whether the use of the above records, records that are retained within our member service system prevail. 


You understand and agree that the Company of the Service any express or implied warranties are not available. The Company does not guarantee to include but not limited to, the following: 

1. The service will meet your needs 

2. The service uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free, the data will not be interested parties (such as computer hacking) Information will not be lost or stolen 

3. Results from the use of this service and get it as correct or reliable, and 

4. You via any products and services purchased or obtained, services, information or other materials will meet your expectations

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